We all have heard of AI -
Artificial intelligence at some point in time in our lives… But what pops
up in our heads when we hear this word — Robots taking over the planet and making
humans their slaves? In reality, AI is nothing like that.
AI is simply the intelligence demonstrated by machines. It came into
existence by studying and analyzing the brain, how we think, learn, decides, and
work. So, we can say that AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes
by machines.
Types of artificial intelligence:
According to Arend Hintze, assistant professor of integrative biology and
computer science at Michigan State University, AI can be categorized:
• Reactive machines:
They have no memory, so they can’t use experiences
to inform future ones. They are designed for specific purposes and thus can’t
be easily used in other situations, e.g., Deep Blue and Google's AlphaGO.
• Limited memory:
These AI systems can use experiences to inform
future decisions, e.g., autonomous cars. Past observations inform actions
happening in the near future.
• Theory of mind:
This system, although not in existence yet, is
said to understand that others have their beliefs, desires, and intentions which
impact the decisions they make. It might be possible to have such a system in
the future.
• Self-awareness:
These AI systems are
self-aware, conscious about their current state, and can use this information to
infer what others are feeling. This type of AI also doesn’t exist yet.
Future of AI:
The future of AI might include the creation of self-aware, strong AI’s
that will have cognitive, emotional and social intelligence as well, that will
be self-conscious and self-aware in interactions. In the future, we might have
AI that will analyze our speech and actions and interpret our needs as humans.
They will be more empathetic and may provide the best human-device interactions
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