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Showing posts from June, 2019

Python Career Path: Everything You Need To Know For a Career in Python

Why should you consider Blockchain?

Security is definitely a concern for everyone when it comes to transactions.. So where does blockchain stand when it comes to security?? Find out... How secure is Blockchain? To know how secure blockchain is, recall the process of money transfer via a bank. (To know more about blockchain read this blog ).. You go to a bank, tell them you want to make a money transfer, give them your account details and the receivers details, the bank saves all these details and makes the transfer. Sounds easy, right? But this process can tamper – can be altered and that too very easily. Here’s where Blockchain comes into play . It’s decentralized, secure, and transparent (i.e., the data is available publicly) way of money transfer. You might now be thinking that since the transaction data is available publicly it might have some safety issues. Like a hacker can hack this data and alter it. What will happen then? Let’s try to visualize what will happen if someone attempts to alter t

What is Blockchain technology? How does it work?

Before discussing blockchain, you should be familiar with the concept of cryptocurrencies... In the past few years, we all heard about cryptocurrencies, especially after we witnessed the rise of Bitcoin. So, what is a cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency a digital currency that was specifically designed to work as a secure medium of exchange, since it uses strong encryption techniques , thus ensuring secure financial transactions . Bitcoin, one such cryptocurrency, is regulated by a network of computers through encryption techniques. Although its production is independent of any bank or state, it’s the technology it uses that has increased trust in it. What about the Bitcoin transactions? How are we going to validate them? Enter Blockchain!! What is Blockchain? Blockchain first came into existence to keep a track of the bitcoin transactions. It is a highly restricted database whose entries are the bitcoin transactions. The blockchain operates as a digital ledger of transa

The need for DevOps - moving from Agile to DevOps

The era of Agile In the technical world, the development team works on creating the product by sorting out the requirements, designing the architecture, coding the programs, testing for errors, and finally, deploying the software. This kind of approach is known as the “Ad waterfall model”. The main problem of this approach was when the customer wanted some changes to be made in the software. The developers were forced to rework on these changes and the process became time-consuming which resulted in increased costs for the companies. Because of this, companies realized that the waterfall model was slow for developers and thus began the search for better techniques.  So, to fix this Agile development came into existence. Agile development basically focused on the importance of delivering the entire software in smaller chunks of features periodically. This allowed the team of developers to break down the issues and debug the codes with multiple iterations. But this method optimiz

Artificial Intelligence, its types and future

We all have heard of AI - Artificial intelligence at some point in time in our lives… But what pops up in our heads when we hear this word — Robots taking over the planet and making humans their slaves? In reality, AI is nothing like that. A I is sim ply the intelligence demonstrated by machines. It came into existence by studying and analyzing the brain, how we think, learn, decides, and work. So, we can say that AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines. Types of artificial intelligence: According to Arend Hintze, assistant professor of integrative biology and computer science at Michigan State University, AI can be categorized: • Reactive machines: They have no memory, so they can’t use experiences to inform future ones. They are designed for specific purposes and thus can’t be easily used in other situations, e.g., Deep Blue and Google's AlphaGO. • Limited memory: These AI systems can use experiences to inform future decisions, e.g., a

Preparation tips for the ORACLE CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL: Java SE 11?

The questions are longer and more in-depth than Java SE 8, and at times you need to choose more than one answer.   For the Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Programmer I: Here’s an overview of all the topics you need to cover for the Oracle Certified Java SE 11 Programmer I exam: Introduction to Java Getting familiar with Java technology and environment What are the key features of the Java language Creating and running a simple program Java Datatypes Variables, working with strings Working with numbers and manipulating numeric data Java Arrays  2D arrays Loop constructs Nesting Loops Working with conditions Relational and conditional operators Using IF/ELSE constructs, switch statements and Netbeans debugger Using Operators and Decision Constructs  Working with conditions and a list of items Methods Creating methods Method arguments, static methods Passing arguments to methods Overloading Classes and objects Creatin

Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Certification

Java, used for software creation and application development, is, without a doubt one of the most popular programming languages. Though having years of experience in this particular language is beneficial, but getting yourself certified is always better. And what would be better than being Oracle certified.. Tour of the Oracle Java SE 11 certification The Oracle Java certification is a very prestigious certification that displays your proficiency in Java (Standard Edition). They have a different proficiency level of certifications. These certifications provide you with worldwide recognition and also help you find a better job or get a better salary. According to an analysis conducted by Oracle , around 80% of people have reported having a salary increase, promotion or a career improvement after getting certified by Oracle. With changes and developments in Java, you need to keep your certification up to date. Recently, Oracle introduced the Java Developer certification and scra