The term " Growth hacking " has been very popular in the business world since a couple of years, but many companies have implemented this concept a long time ago. Growth hacking has a bunch of definitions but to put it in simple words “Growth hacking is a concept or a tool implemented by companies for accelerated growth”, thus making it a popular strategy among start-ups. Being data-driven, the implementation of this concept has yielded great results for many companies like: Facebook, Hotmail, Twitter, Dropbox, Airbnb, Instagram, and the list can go on and on; we will be discussing some of them later on. Growth-oriented marketing - One of the main differences between a marketer and a growth hacker is that a growth hacker (once traffic is diverted to the website) utilizes both hard and soft data to track the customers along their customer journey. A growth hacker analyzes the target customers' behavioral psychology, designs persuasion techniques accordingly, and ...
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