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Showing posts from 2020

Python Career Path: Everything You Need To Know For a Career in Python

Digital Selling: Why and How is it Thriving Amidst COVID-19?

Face-to-face selling saw its decline long before work from home became a norm (owing to the ongoing pandemic). It all started when companies graciously embraced digital transformation and sales teams would be on the lookout for new emerging technologies and would spend hours brainstorming on tactics they can leverage to lay a strong foundation of their relationship with buyers that would eventually result in the development of a smooth road for their customers down the sales funnel. That’s digital selling for you. What is Digital Selling?💭 Digital Selling - although the term has been in the market for quite some time now, with the ongoing pandemic, the use of this term has been more frequent than ever. Coronavirus has undoubtedly compelled even sellers into digital selling and has given them another reason to replace traditional in-person meetings with virtual engagement. According to a LinkedIn survey , 81% of salespeople are holding more video meetings. 58% of salespeople are send

Sales Enablement: Everything You Need To Know

Right from its introduction, sales enablement managed to create a stir in the market and since then has been a hot topic as it aims to augment the sales processes and amplify the end results. In this blog, I'll discuss everything you need to know about sales enablement, so let's jump in. What is Sales Enablement? We all are familiar with the 4-tiered sales funnel - Awareness, Consideration, Decision, and Purchase . The first 2 stages are attributed to marketing and the last 2 stages to sales. This is being transformed by sales enablement, a continuous strategic process that enriches sellers with the right tools, skillsets, and assets they need in order to enhance buyer experience and engagement, skyrocketing the company revenue.  “As per an annual report from CSO Insights, the sales enablement programs resulted in a 15% increase in the win rates.” From providing the sales team with all the right and necessary resources, including content, mentorship, and assistan