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Showing posts from May, 2019

Python Career Path: Everything You Need To Know For a Career in Python

How can you use growth hacking?

Now that we know, what is growth hacking ; let's see how can we use it for our business.. So here is a list of how can we use growth hacking.. 1.        Decide your audience:  The first thing you need to do is select your audience; the people who can be your future customers. This will help you design more effective strategies thus yielding great results. Focus on your target audience and analyze their needs and psychology. Also, don’t forget to segment your customers; segmentation of your target audience is very important. Market segmentation is a very important concept in growth hacking; it will you develop customer-oriented strategies and when you implement them, they will prove to be more beneficial and productive.         Consider the example of  Airbnb —their target customer was people who travel, they designed their strategies accordingly. Targeting your customers helps you develop customer-oriented strategies and when you implement them, they prove to be more benefic